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WordPress Cache Plugin Updated to v1.0.15

April 20, 2017

LiteSpeed Cache, the caching plugin allowing Varial Hosting customers on our next generation hosting platform to achieve lightning fast Wordpress performance has just been updated to version 1.0.15. This new version includes bug fixes and several new features.

Customers can update this plugin through their WordPress admins or install it by following this guide:



  • [NEW] Added Purge Pages and Purge Recent Posts Widget pages options.
  • [NEW] Added wp-cli command for setting and getting options.
  • [NEW] Added an import/export options cli command.
  • [NEW] Added wpForo integration.
  • [NEW] Added Theme My Login integration.
  • [UPDATE] Purge adjacent posts when publish a new post.
  • [UPDATE] Change environment report file to .php and increase security.
  • [UPDATE] Added new purgeby option to wp-cli.
  • [UPDATE] Remove nag for multiple sites.
  • [UPDATE] Only inject LiteSpeed javascripts in LiteSpeed pages.
  • [REFACTOR] Properly check for zero in ttl settings.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed the 404 issue that can be caused by some certain plugins when save the settings.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed mu-plugin compatibility.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed problem with creating zip backup.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed conflict with jetpack.


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